Meet Mercedes
Integrative Life Coach & Energy Medicine Practitioner
“We are all a part of The Divine Intelligence that creates all Life. We co-create our reality whether we are aware of it or not. Explore your potential like a scientist. Observe life with the Wonder and Curiosity of a child. Seek your own way towards experiencing life with joy, purpose and passion”.
Maria Mercedes Yahia

What I Specialize In
To have what you want…you need to know what you want and why you are consciously or unconsciously blocked.
Do you ever wake up in the morning wondering whether this is all there is to it?
It may be disheartening if you’ve done a lot of personal development; meditated, journaled, worked on your self-limiting beliefs, and tried to cultivate self-love… and you’re still not where you want to be.
The key is clarity.

The Culture Catalyst Program
- Reviews -

Steps to Re-Program Your Mindset

Nothing to lose and everything to gain, just by trying something new! Help your self to this powerful insight.